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Black Chateau and Book Fest

Black Château is an award-winning marketing and public relations firm. The company specializes in promoting authors, books, small press, personality brands, and creative individuals from around the world with a full spectrum of services. A virtual company, office locations are in Southern California, Oklahoma, and everywhere our team roams. The company’s motto is: We believe in storytellers. Visit


Black Château’s sister company, Books That Make You, is a multi-media brand that promotes books through its website, social media, and award-winning radio show/podcast. The BookFest® is also an extension of Black Château. Black Château, Books That Make You, and The BookFest were founded by Desireé Duffy. The three provide integrated promotional opportunities for authors and the writing community in an ever-evolving world. If you are interested in talking about acquiring Black Château’s services for marketing and public relations, click here and let’s talk.


Desiree Duffy, Founder


AutoCrit, an innovative company that provides a writing and editing platform that caters to both fiction and non-fiction authors. AutoCrit is the only AI-driven smart book editor that gives you step-by-step guidance based on real books, real authors, and what’s actually working in the world of publishing today.

Far more than a basic editing tool, we’re here to help you succeed at every step of the writing and publishing process.

Create your FREE starter account today at

Though no Artificial Intelligence can replace a good, live-person editor, AutoCrit can tell you if there are words you repeat too often, or overuse of adjectives and adverbs, can compare your manuscript to best-sellers in the same genre, and can be a useful tool before you bring your book to your editor or an agent.


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